*For GetBackers fandom*
Author’s Note
For this section, it’s a rewrite of an old fanfic I did awhile back, but after reading the manga and discussing some ideas with a friend, I figure I would do a reboot of it. (Credits to Jae).

Chapter 1:Discovery
Changes. Changes were never easy, and to Sayaka it was already hard adjusting at times since stepping out of the limelight as the Black Ice yakuza boss. She had some access, yes, but she realized overtime that money can never buy happiness. She didn’t like herself when she was with Black Ice, let alone being raised by them. In fact, she was happy to be free and roam wherever she desired along with Akabane at times and not worry about being tracked of some sort. Now working as a cleaner to at least bring in some income to the household while Akabane was off doing transport work as always, she was wrapping up in a motel room before moving onto the last room for the day. However, there have been moments where she had that urge to snoop. Locking the door with the key, she moved onto the last room before she felt a dull pain in her stomach. Just what she needed, a stomach bug on top of it as it had been happening for quite some time. Hoping it would go away eventually, she paused before placing a hand over her mouth as she was starting to feel extremely nauseous. Quickly opening the door to the last room, she couldn’t help but quickly dash to the bathroom of the motel room and throw up. Exhausted, she was on her knees for a moment, breathing heavily for a moment.
This is the fifth time I threw up today… Sayaka thought to herself, I can’t even keep food down without tossing it back up…
Forcing herself up after taking a moment in the bathroom, she flushed the toilet before going over to the sink to rinse her mouth, washing away the vomit smell. She definitely didn’t want Akabane to suspect anything, especially if he was in a mood for a kiss. Taking a moment to recover, she poured some Pine Sol cleaner into the toilet and used a scrub brush to clean it. Despite taking a moment to clean the soiled toilet, the aroma from the cleaner in the toilet was too much for Sayaka to handle where she began to feel nauseous again.
Not Again… Sayaka thought to herself as she held her stomach, fighting to keep the bile down.
She pulled out her phone from her pocket. Taking a moment to look through her contacts, she was wondering who she could call that was not too busy. However, before she could, she blacked out.
Waking up in a hospital bed, Sayaka began to wonder how she got here. More importantly, who brought her here in the hospital? Adjusting herself for a moment to get up in a sitting position, she looked around for a moment before a nurse came in to check in.
“Oh good, you’re awake.” The nurse commented with a smile.
Sayaka tilted her head with confusion, “Excuse me, but any idea how I got here?”
“Oh, a nice young man with blonde hair brought you here. And just in time too because you overexerted yourself there according to the doctor’s notes, especially in your delicate condition.”
“Wait– Ginji brought me here?!” Sayaka questioned, “And what do you mean ‘delicate condition’?”
“Oh, the doctor didn’t tell you? Congratulations then! You’re pregnant.”
“Whaaaaa?! H-how?”
Sayaka then paused for a moment, looking away from the nurse, realizing that she had been feeling like this for a few weeks. And it had been over a month since she and Akabane had made love. She began to wonder on that night when her and Akabane had done it, could it have been when he had knocked her up? She was so confused with the sudden news. She looked back at the nurse with seriousness.
“Please… don’t say anything…” Sayaka muttered as she gripped onto the sheets, “I don’t want anyone to know…”
“Do not fear. In the end, the choice is yours.” The nurse answered with a smile before she heard a knock at the door.
“You can come in.”
Akabane unexpectedly entered with a basket of fruit like he had that one time for Ginji, especially when news had already come out about Sayaka being in the hospital. Moreover, he also has a get well card. Sayaka, quite shocked to see Akabane as she was expecting Ginji to come in as he was the one that got her to the hospital in the first place.
“Akabane-San… this is quite unexpected of you to show up.” Sayaka said as her green eyes widened.
Akabane gave a slight smirk as he set the basket of fruit down by her bed side along with the card, “When I heard you were hospitalized, I dropped everything to come see you.”
“But… I heard Ginji brought me here, did he not?”
“Let’s just say, Ginji-Chan had a little errand to run, hm?”
Sayaka was starting to feel sick to her stomach again as she placed a hand over her mouth, “Excuse me.” She commented as she hurried to the bathroom for a moment to throw up.
Once the bathroom door shut, Akabane looked over to the bathroom for a moment before facing out the window to watch dusk approach. He enjoyed the night hours, especially as he was more of a night person than a day one obviously.
The bathroom door opened and Sayaka came back out, nearly collapsing on the floor. The nurse helped her to her bed.
“Be careful, miss.” The nurse commented before escorting Sayaka back to her bed.
Akabane looked back over at Sayaka as he was sitting by her bedside, “You look quite pale.”
“Yeah.. I guess I just got a little dizzy from not really eating today.” Sayaka laughed nervously before she placed a hand over her stomach.
Akabane chuckled, “Well well, maybe you should eat something to settle your stomach.”
“I guess…”
Akabane got up for a moment to go and grab the basket of fruit. Sayaka looked out the window for a moment. She began to wonder how she was going to keep her pregnancy a secret? Especially from Akabane. Looking back over towards the door, she noticed a Chibi Ginji poking his head through the door of her room, yet refusing to come in because of Akabane’s presence. She smiled.
“There you are, Ginji-kun.” Sayaka commented.
“Uhhhh… sorry Sayaka, I would come visit, but Ban-Chan is probably wondering where I am.“ Chibi Ginji answered as he was sweating bullets and dashed off.
“Wait Ginji! I wanted to thank you.” Sayaka sighed before Akabane brought her a plate of perfectly sliced apples by her bedside.
“Here, some juicy apples just for you.” Akabane commented as he sat down by her bedside once again.
“Thanks… but I dunno if I have the appetite for them though. This stomach bug I have is really bad.”
Akabane couldn’t help but caress her cheek, “You should at least try to eat a slice, my dear Sayaka, I cut them up with love.”
Sayaka looked over at him, smiling, “You really know how to make me smile, Akabane-San. I guess I am a little hungry.. okay, I’ll eat a slice.”
Sayaka took a slice of apple and took a bite into one, chewing it thoroughly before swallowing,
“Wow.. this is rather good.” Sayaka commented before she ended up eating the rest of the apple slice before moving on to another slice.
Akabane smiled as he held the brim of his hat, “I have never seen you eat so quickly. You must have been starving.”
Sayaka laughed nervously before she paused for a moment as she realized that she needed to be more careful when it came to the pregnancy cravings. She didn’t want Akabane to suspect anything. Hoping she can pull off the whole stomach bug bit a little longer — at least until she can no longer hide it.
To be continued…
Read the next chapter here
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